Episode 161: Comic Book Characters with Disassociative Identity Disorder

Thanks to listener feedback, we’re looking at another group of heroes with a specific mental disorder. This time it’s DID (or Disassociative Identity Disorder).  Moon Knight, Legion, Crazy Jane, and others are members of this unique club discussed this episode.
Thank you to DisassociDID for her videos discussing her experiences with DID. Anything I got right about can be credited to her. Anything I got wrong is totally me.

R.I.P. Arleen Sorkin, the original Harley Quinn.

The Void, Robert Reynolds, and The Sentry.

You will believe a Hulk (or two) can cry.

That’s less than 64, so they’re not all there yet…

I don’t actually think that’s the scientific term…but glad to hear you’re feeling good.

Episode 114: Moon Knight - A Deep Dive (Episode 1)

Moon Knight is a mysterious enough character that I thought it deserved a Deep Dive, and I brought along a guest, author John Mulhall to discuss the ins and outs of the show, compare and contrast with its comic origins, and do some light theorizing as to where it’s headed.

Just a little different from the show.

Episode 112: Who is Moon Knight (aka Marc Spector aka Steven Grant aka Jake Lockley aka…)?

In anticipation of the upcoming Disney+ show (and the Deep Dive I’ll be doing with author John Mulhall), it’s time to take a look at the origins of Moon Knight, why some call him “Marvel’s Batman,” and most importantly what makes him completely unique.

Werewolf by Night #32, Moon Knight's first appearance

If he was really clad in solid silver, do you think he’d be able to move?

Moon Knight Vol. 1 #1

Leaning into the multiple identities idea from the very start.

Like having Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Captain America guest-star in every issue!

Khonshu is Khreepy.