Episode 150: Cross Company References and a Montage of Multiverse

In this special 150th episode, I take a couple of questions that I’ve had for a little while that I didn’t feel fit a full episode, and answer both, as well as returning to an old feature, identifying the source of a pop culture touchstone that’s been used so many times, you may not know the origin!

Follow along as I find as many references as I can.

Episode 111: Earth Numbering Systems in DC and Marvel

You may have heard of Earth 1, Earth 2, and possibly even Earth 616.  But, how did all these names come to be, and who decides which is which? Wouldn’t they all want to be Earth 1? That’s what listener Joel L. asks, and Kurt answers for both the Marvel and DC Universes this episode.

The first time multiple Earths show up.

And the first time they get named.

The DC Multiverse as it (sort of) stands today.

The first use of 616 to refer to the regular Marvel Universe.