Episode 74: Santa Claus in Comics - DC Edition

Happy Holidays, everyone!  As this releases on Christmas Eve, I thought it fitting to go over some of Santa’s appearances in various comic books, this time focusing on DC Comics (other companies may be featured in future years).  Three team-ups with Superman and two other special Christmas stories are discussed.  Warning: Ironically and unfortunately, this episode may not be suitable for kids. (Mostly due to the topic. Language-wise, it’s safe)

The lower right area is where the various stores were able to put their logo.

The lower right area is where the various stores were able to put their logo.

Woah!  Watch the hands there, buddy!

Woah! Watch the hands there, buddy!

Presents and elves flying off the back.  Santa really needs to watch his sleigh driving…

Presents and elves flying off the back. Santa really needs to watch his sleigh driving…

Please heed the warning on the cover.

Please heed the warning on the cover.

Black Adam is in the book (unlike some of the others here), but sadly didn’t make the cover…

Black Adam is in the book (unlike some of the others here), but sadly didn’t make the cover…

Episode 52: Fifty-Two (The DC Mini-Series)

No, I’m not just repeating the episode number again, but spelling it out. 52 (or Fifty-Two) was an important work in the DC Universe, so much so that the number keeps popping up in DC Lore ever since.  This year-long weekly series was the first in a few that DC did, but is the only one that really left a lasting impact.  Because this is Episode 52, I decided to go into more detail on this story, introducing the basic set-ups and talking about what made the story one of my personal favorites.

The build-up (and a very soft reboot).

The build-up (and a very soft reboot).

Steel, Ralph, The Question, Booster Gold, and Renee are all there in the background.

Steel, Ralph, The Question, Booster Gold, and Renee are all there in the background.

Everything there means something, but telling you what would be spoiler territory.

Everything there means something, but telling you what would be spoiler territory.