Episode 64: Heroes on the Clock - Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man’s Day Jobs)

High school student, college student, photojournalist, teacher? Peter Parker, aka the Amazing Spider-Man has actually held a number of different jobs over the years.  Going in chronological order, we look at the various career paths Peter has taken, starting all the way back at his first appearance to today.

He may be “hard at work,” but he’s not actually working yet.

He may be “hard at work,” but he’s not actually working yet.

His photography job was so iconic, they put it in the opening credits of his cartoon.

His photography job was so iconic, they put it in the opening credits of his cartoon.

Well, that went about as well as one could expect (also “give her a whirl for her money”? Yeesh.)

Well, that went about as well as one could expect (also “give her a whirl for her money”? Yeesh.)

This is not when scholarships are announced.

This is not when scholarships are announced.

Spoilers: The answer to that question is always “Yes.”

Spoilers: The answer to that question is always “Yes.”

Peter’s first real non-photography based job.  Although, shining your signal on the chalkboard isn’t going to help with the “secret identity” thing.

Peter’s first real non-photography based job. Although, shining your signal on the chalkboard isn’t going to help with the “secret identity” thing.

Peter’s brief tenure with Stark Industries.

Peter’s brief tenure with Stark Industries.

You talk about Peter Parker long enough, it’s bound to get around to this story…unfortunately.

You talk about Peter Parker long enough, it’s bound to get around to this story…unfortunately.

If you’re going to add a number, always make it 42.

If you’re going to add a number, always make it 42.

If only he hired someone to work for him named Magnum, so they could say “Magnum, P.I.”

If only he hired someone to work for him named Magnum, so they could say “Magnum, P.I.”

I can explain…well, no I can’t explain, without telling you all I’m Spider-Man.  Never mind…

I can explain…well, no I can’t explain, without telling you all I’m Spider-Man. Never mind…

Episode 52: Fifty-Two (The DC Mini-Series)

No, I’m not just repeating the episode number again, but spelling it out. 52 (or Fifty-Two) was an important work in the DC Universe, so much so that the number keeps popping up in DC Lore ever since.  This year-long weekly series was the first in a few that DC did, but is the only one that really left a lasting impact.  Because this is Episode 52, I decided to go into more detail on this story, introducing the basic set-ups and talking about what made the story one of my personal favorites.

The build-up (and a very soft reboot).

The build-up (and a very soft reboot).

Steel, Ralph, The Question, Booster Gold, and Renee are all there in the background.

Steel, Ralph, The Question, Booster Gold, and Renee are all there in the background.

Everything there means something, but telling you what would be spoiler territory.

Everything there means something, but telling you what would be spoiler territory.

Episode 46: Two Questions from the Ladies of the “OHotMU or Not?” Podcast

Being non-comic readers (for the most part), but having to deal with things in the comic book world, I was curious to find out if the ladies from the OHotMU or Not podcast had questions they needed answered about comics.  And they delivered!  Two questions coming this week (one from Elyse and one from Nathalie), and two more next episode! First I “Explain Comics” to the best of my ability, then we go into why heroes get replaced, and how the Direct Market figures into that equation.

I’m betting if you took a guess as to which end up as “Hots” and which are “Nots" according to the OHotMU or Not podcast, you’d only get about half right.

I’m betting if you took a guess as to which end up as “Hots” and which are “Nots" according to the OHotMU or Not podcast, you’d only get about half right.

Scott and I disagree slightly on this definition, but it’s pretty darn close.

Scott and I disagree slightly on this definition, but it’s pretty darn close.

Episode 38: Who is She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)?

Marvel/Disney just announced that She-Hulk will be getting her own show on Disney+.  But, who is She-Hulk, and what would such a show be about?  Kurt dives into the distaff counterpart of Bruce Banner, and what makes her so compelling a character in her own right.

Coming…soon? No premiere date has been given, or even casting at this point.

Coming…soon? No premiere date has been given, or even casting at this point.

Jennifer also used to be blond/redhead. She’s raven-haired these days, even when not She-Hulk.

Jennifer also used to be blond/redhead. She’s raven-haired these days, even when not She-Hulk.

It was the 80s. Big hair was a thing.

It was the 80s. Big hair was a thing.

She’ll do it, too! Buy her book!

She’ll do it, too! Buy her book!

If they don’t recreate this at some point during the show, I’m going to be very disappointed.

If they don’t recreate this at some point during the show, I’m going to be very disappointed.

Don’t make her angry…Oops, too late.

Don’t make her angry…Oops, too late.

The latest in a long string of (mostly) bad decisions.

The latest in a long string of (mostly) bad decisions.

Episode 37: The Kryptonite Rainbow - What Do They Do?

Green Kryptonite, Red Kryptonite, Blue, White, Jewel?  How many varieties of Kryptonite are there, and how does each of them effect the Man of Steel and the other Kryptonians in the DC Universe?  Kurt goes through every single published version of Kryptonite so you’ll now know.

Don’t forget to Submit a Question if you have a topic you’d like to hear about in a future episode!

Just your garden variety Green Kryptonite.

Just your garden variety Green Kryptonite.

“Don’t forget to tell everyone in the world the five ways to hurt or kill me!” - Superman

“Don’t forget to tell everyone in the world the five ways to hurt or kill me!” - Superman

Pictured: Too late.

Pictured: Too late.

Don’t we all, Lois? Don’t we all…

Don’t we all, Lois? Don’t we all…