Episode 7 (Remastered): The Replacements - Captain America

A Re-mastered version of Episode 7 with improved audio. The first in a recurring series where we look at the characters that have taken on a classic heroic identity, and what happened to them after the original returned. In this original installment, we looked at the various Captains America.

You wouldn’t know it at first glance, but there are two Captains America on this cover.

The “white eyes” is not a good look for Cap.

I hope he didn’t actually toss his shield aside while people were shooting at him…

They can do this all day.

Two people who call themselves Captain America at one time or another, and neither one is Steve…

Unsurprisingly, Sam has gotten back in the costume in the comics, to match his MCU counterpart.

Steve doing his best Harvey Dent impersonation.

You saw him briefly in “Falcon & Winter Soldier,” but he never wore the costume.

Episode 6 (Remastered): Marvel vs. DC - A History

A re-mastered version of Episode 6 with greatly improved audio, thanks to AI.  The history of Marvel and DC’s rivalry, as well as some general differences between the companies over the years, is discussed in this classic episode.

Hope you had time to prepare, Batman!

Kind of a shame that Thor costume was what was current, as this very much dates it to the 90s.

It was a very short “age.”

Even after a hardcover reprint for charity, you’re still looking at paying a pretty penny for this story, but it’s worth it.

Episode 4 (Remastered): Why Are Mutants Feared and Hated?

A Re-mastered version of Episode 4 with improved audio. Mutants are "hated and feared" by many humans in the Marvel Universe, but listener Aaron L. wants to know why they're treated so differently from the other super-powered beings. (Note, the contest mentioned here is long over)

Jean’s funky dance moves are sure to defeat Magneto!

There have been many “X” puns over the years…

I always appreciate how this logo has rotational symmetry (i.e. turn the comic upside-down and it reads the same)

Probably the most-referenced Marvel story so far in the podcast (as of this typing).

You’re starting to reach for those X-references, Marvel…

Episode 3 (Remastered): A Thanos Primer

A re-mastered version of Episode 3, dedicated to the history of Thanos.  If you're a newbie to the MCU and want to learn about the comic book history of its first big bad, this is the place.

I swear this is Thanos’ first appearance. Sadly, he did not get cover status originally.

This is closer to Avengers: Infinity War than…

Infinity War itself.

A lot of these people seem to be thinking “Ahh! We’re floating heads!” based on their expression.

Episode 2 (Remastered): Where to Start - Marvel Edition

Remastered with improved audio! Where should one begin reading when they take their first foray into the Marvel Universe? That's the question asked today by listener Justin B., and Kurt offers a few different options with pros and cons for each.

Turning invisible still isn’t helping, Sue.

Crayons not included.

With great something, comes great something. If only I could remember the missing words.

This storyline gets referenced a lot in future episodes, so I stand by this as a potential starting point.

Episode 135: She-Hulk - A Deep Dive (Episode 9)

Andy Wilson from the Kiss Your Franchise Goodbye podcast and Kristin Scalisi both return to discuss the final episode of (this season of?) She-Hulk, and its themes, ideas, and of course, K.E.V.I.N.  We also take tangents on “clip shows” and embarrassing bedroom posters.

There’s only one new character that I would show their comic book picture of this episode, and they don’t show up until the final scene, so I’ll leave that spoiler out.

Episode 134: She-Hulk - A Deep Dive (Episode 8)

Andy Wilson from the Kiss Your Franchise Goodbye podcast and Kristin Scalisi both return to discuss the latest episode of She-Hulk. Of course we talk Daredevil, but also the history of Leapfrog, the Sokovia Accords, and secret identities in general.  

He actually makes a “Sproing!” sound when he jumps in the comics, thanks to those springs.

A modern rendering of Daredevil’s original suit, which as you can see, was the basis for this episode’s version.

Episode 133: She-Hulk - A Deep Dive (Episode 7)

Brooke Heyn and Andy Wilson from the Kiss Your Franchise Goodbye podcast both return to Dive Deep into the latest episode of She-Hulk. In addition to learning a lot about Jen’s dating life, you also get to hear some of the personal history of the podcasters themselves, as various moments from the show bring up memories. 

Hello! My name is El Aguila. Prepare…to cry.

Man-Bull has ranged from the mannish side of things…

to quite Bullish. Do you have a preference?

Porcupine as he appeared on the cover of his first appearance. As I said in the show, you couldn’t get much more accurate than this.

So, was Saracen supposed to be this guy?

or this one? (Believe it or not, I think they meant to reference the latter)

Episode 132: She-Hulk - A Deep Dive (Episode 6)

Kristin Scalisi returns to join me and Andy Wilson from the Kiss Your Franchise Goodbye podcast to Dive Deep into the latest episode of She-Hulk.  There’s a whole lot of wedding talk, and we learn (and reiterate) two very important lessons. Find out what they are by listening to this week’s Welcome to Geektown!  

Mr. Immortal is the blond in the middle. As you can see, he’s been changed slightly for the show…

One potential Leader of The Intelligencia. In his original comic book look…

and the later “Jiffy Pop head” appearance.

Episode 131: She-Hulk - A Deep Dive (Episode 5)

It’s just me and Andy Wilson from the Kiss Your Franchise Goodbye podcast this time to Dive Deep into the latest episode of She-Hulk, in which Titania finally returns, as she and Jen fight (in the legal sense) over the name “She-Hulk.”  In addition, we get the MCU’s equivalent of Edna Mode, and a tease for a certain blind lawyer. We break it all down for you in this episode!

How does this non-superhero book from Marvel tie in to this week’s episode of She-Hulk? Take a listen and find out!

Episode 130: She-Hulk - A Deep Dive (Episode 4)

As Brooke was unavailable this week, Kristin Scalisi joined me and Andy Wilson from the Kiss Your Franchise Goodbye podcast to Dive Deep into the latest episode of She-Hulk.  Wong returns, along with our new favorite, Madisynn (thankfully, she spells it out for us, so I know I got that right), and their antics inspire us to discuss the copyright of magic, various premium TV shows, and yak milk. 

Two of the new characters introduced this episode. Donny Blaze and Madisynn. And I do mean new. They have never appeared in Marvel Comics, but is one a relation to a famous hero? Maybe…

Episode 129: She-Hulk - A Deep Dive (Episode 3)

Brooke Heyn and Andy Wilson, both from the Kiss Your Franchise Goodbye podcast return again for a look at the She-Hulk show.  We’re finally past all the set up, and we have what feels like what should be a “typical episode,” if such a beast exists.  We break down the show, as each of us ends up revealing our own personal trauma brought up by specific moments in this sitcom.  

Mallory Book enters the show, albeit briefly.

As do the Wrecking Crew, albeit embarrassingly.

Episode 128: She-Hulk - A Deep Dive (Episode 2)

Continuing the Deep Dive into the She-Hulk show, I get a much needed female perspective in the form of Brooke Heyn along with the returning Andy Wilson, both from the Kiss Your Franchise Goodbye podcast.  In addition to breaking down the show, we veer into other subjects both serious and frivolous, including issues of mental control and consent to comics as case law.

As I noted, pretty darn close to the show, with one key reversal.

Pug. If you don’t love him already, I’m sure you will soon.

But only Marvel Comics…Sorry DC.

Episode 126: Who Is Jennifer Walters (aka She-Hulk) Addendum

In preparation for the She-Hulk show, we go back and revisit an older episode, going over She-Hulk’s origin and major events, as well as what makes her different from her cousin Bruce.  Then fill in the gaps in her comic book history that happened between that episode’s release and now.

It’s a trap!

Jen, you’ve um…got something on your face.

A little Winter Soldier, a little Omega Red, and a whole lot of Hulk.

My favorite lady lawyer is back!

Episode 108: The Why-Men (Lesser Known X-Men; Vulcan, Petra, Sway, and Darwin)

Continuing this recurring series on the lesser known members of the X-Men, Kurt dives into the history of the mutant team to find the lesser-known characters that deserve some additional attention.  This time we focus on the retconned “second team” introduced in the “Deadly Genesis” mini-series: Vulcan, Petra, Sway, and Darwin.


Group shot. If you reverse the middle two, they’re in the order I talk about them in the episode.

I adapt my body so that nothing can harm me…

…except the one thing I actually get attacked by.

Episode 84: Who Else Are The New Warriors? (Volume 1)

For the first anniversary of the podcast’s release, Kurt’s favorite hero Speedball was introduced.  In the 2nd-Anniversary episode, he introduced the rest of his teammates in the New Warriors, or at least the members of the team when it was first formed.  For year 3, it’s time to look at the other heroes who joined the roster sometime after the first issue, but still in the original 75-issue run.

Editors Note: I say in this episode “Helix’s first appearance was in Spider-Man: Maximum Clonage Alpha #1 (yes, that’s the full title), and so his creator credits have been listed as the writer/artist team of that book, which is Tom DeFalco, Todd DeZago, and Ron Lim.  However, in Episode 55, Evan Skolnick seems to state that he and New Warriors penciler Patrick Zircher came up with the idea and look originally.  I’ve reached out to Evan for further elaboration on that, but as of this recording have not heard back.
I have now heard back from Evan, and he and Patrick did co-create Helix, but that credit was mistakenly left off the title page of the book, so it has been assumed that the creative team of that one-shot are the ones that created the character. Thank you to Evan for getting back to me as quickly as he could (I gave very little notice due to catching this discrepancy late in the process).

Sil’s original costume (that actually traveled with her…originally when she used her powers, she left her clothes behind)

Sil’s original costume (that actually traveled with her…originally when she used her powers, she left her clothes behind)

And her most recent costume (not sure why she’s hiding her face now)

And her most recent costume (not sure why she’s hiding her face now)

Rage’s first costume.  Not the greatest sartorial choice.

Rage’s first costume. Not the greatest sartorial choice.

Not that it got a whole lot better when he joined the New Warriors…

Not that it got a whole lot better when he joined the New Warriors…

Turbo…not Turbo Teen.  That’s different.

Turbo…not Turbo Teen. That’s different.

The other (still living) Turbo.

The other (still living) Turbo.

Hindsight Lad.  Exactly as insufferable as he looks.

Hindsight Lad. Exactly as insufferable as he looks.

Hindsight.  Yes, that’s the same guy as the last picture.

Hindsight. Yes, that’s the same guy as the last picture.

Alex (and Friday’s) first appearance.  Alex is the blond.

Alex (and Friday’s) first appearance. Alex is the blond.

As he appeared with the New Warriors.  Someone grew up!

As he appeared with the New Warriors. Someone grew up!

Scarlet Spider and Rage obviously went to the same tailor for their collars.

Scarlet Spider and Rage obviously went to the same tailor for their collars.

I’m honestly not sure how much of that is costume, and how much is skin…

I’m honestly not sure how much of that is costume, and how much is skin…

How does she make her word balloon do that?

How does she make her word balloon do that?