Episode 151: Who is Kamandi?

The Last Boy on Earth! This Jack Kirby creation is probably not known to many outside hardcore comic book fans, but thanks to an animated short, one listener discovered his existence and asked Kurt to explain more about the world of Kamandi.

Planet of the Apes…and Rats…and Wolves…and…

The story plays a little bit with “The Mighty One” being a mystery, but the cover does not.

Still going with the ripped jorts look, huh? Talk about a Great Disaster!

Episode 128: She-Hulk - A Deep Dive (Episode 2)

Continuing the Deep Dive into the She-Hulk show, I get a much needed female perspective in the form of Brooke Heyn along with the returning Andy Wilson, both from the Kiss Your Franchise Goodbye podcast.  In addition to breaking down the show, we veer into other subjects both serious and frivolous, including issues of mental control and consent to comics as case law.

As I noted, pretty darn close to the show, with one key reversal.

Pug. If you don’t love him already, I’m sure you will soon.

But only Marvel Comics…Sorry DC.

Episode 99: Who Are The Eternals?

Started as their own separate story, the Eternals are now completely ingrained into the origins of the Marvel Universe.  With the Chloe Zhao-directed movie on its way in less than two months, now seems like a good time to give a primer on these characters, their powers, and what their introduction means for the MCU going forward.

You may recognize one of these “faces” from the trailer above.

You may recognize one of these “faces” from the trailer above.

When Kirby was on his own, he really liked go out there.

When Kirby was on his own, he really liked go out there.

Episode 67: Comics to Movies - Fantastic Four

The Fantastic Four have been in three movies so far, but haven’t joined the MCU just yet.  But, a new piece of casting news points to that happening sooner rather than later, so now is a good time to see what past movies have gotten right, and what they got wrong in adapting Marvel’s First Family to the screen.

I was tempted to do this “Lost in Adaptation” style, like one of my favorite YouTubers, but didn’t want to be accused of stealing his format, so instead I go movie by movie, rather than “what was kept,” “what was changed,” and “what was left out entirely.”

Still not sure how turning invisible will help.  You’re still stuck in his grasp, Sue.

Still not sure how turning invisible will help. You’re still stuck in his grasp, Sue.

Wait…Why’s Captain America on fire?

Wait…Why’s Captain America on fire?

Way to read the room, Reed. “I’m just a misshapen Thing!”  “Well, I’ll call myself Mister Fantastic!”

Way to read the room, Reed. “I’m just a misshapen Thing!” “Well, I’ll call myself Mister Fantastic!”

And now Killmonger’s aflame?  What is it with Human Torches graduating to MCU roles, and what happened to poor Jay Underwood?

And now Killmonger’s aflame? What is it with Human Torches graduating to MCU roles, and what happened to poor Jay Underwood?

Smells like Teen Superheroes.

Smells like Teen Superheroes.

Episode 51: When Did Nick Fury Start Looking Like Samuel L. Jackson?

Nick Fury started out as a square-jawed white Sergeant with adventures taking place in World War II.  So, how did he go from that to the Samuel L. Jackson look-alike we see today, running a super-spy agency?  That’s the question that gets asked and answered in this week’s episode.

As concise an intro to the Howling Commandos as one could ask for.  Thanks, Stan!

As concise an intro to the Howling Commandos as one could ask for. Thanks, Stan!

That Steranko goodness.  This cover has been homaged many, many times.

That Steranko goodness. This cover has been homaged many, many times.

This is how Nick first appeared in the Ultimate Universe, but it was quickly retconned to…

This is how Nick first appeared in the Ultimate Universe, but it was quickly retconned to…

this motherf-er here.

this motherf-er here.

For a while, this was the most accurate Nick Fury on film.  Weep for the fandom…

For a while, this was the most accurate Nick Fury on film. Weep for the fandom…

Say Cheese!

Say Cheese!