Episode 140: S.H.I.E.L.D., H.A.M.M.E.R., S.W.O.R.D., and Other Marvel Acronym Agencies

Sure, S.W.O.R.D. and S.H.I.E.L.D. make sense together.  But, where did H.A.M.M.E.R. come from?  S.T.R.I.K.E.? W.A.N.D.? And what the heck does U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M. stand for? This episode, we go through various groups in the Marvel Universe that use acronyms and go through some of their history.

Total Recall totally ripped the “gun in the x-ray” off!

SHIELD’s first Director after 40 years of Fury…Maria Hill.

Tony doing his best to get in on that sweet Bond action.

Norman Osborn was going through a bit of a “What if I was played by Tommy Lee Jones” phase.

Until they gave her the gauntlets, I had a hard time telling Daisy and Maria apart. How about you?

If by “markedly different,” you mean “treasonous,” then you’re spot on!

Abigail Brand, Director of SWORD. With her sometime boyfriend Beast behind her (to her right, our left).

Episode 51: When Did Nick Fury Start Looking Like Samuel L. Jackson?

Nick Fury started out as a square-jawed white Sergeant with adventures taking place in World War II.  So, how did he go from that to the Samuel L. Jackson look-alike we see today, running a super-spy agency?  That’s the question that gets asked and answered in this week’s episode.

As concise an intro to the Howling Commandos as one could ask for.  Thanks, Stan!

As concise an intro to the Howling Commandos as one could ask for. Thanks, Stan!

That Steranko goodness.  This cover has been homaged many, many times.

That Steranko goodness. This cover has been homaged many, many times.

This is how Nick first appeared in the Ultimate Universe, but it was quickly retconned to…

This is how Nick first appeared in the Ultimate Universe, but it was quickly retconned to…

this motherf-er here.

this motherf-er here.

For a while, this was the most accurate Nick Fury on film.  Weep for the fandom…

For a while, this was the most accurate Nick Fury on film. Weep for the fandom…

Say Cheese!

Say Cheese!